Functional and decorative! A Candle Crown (TM) and topper in one. Stays on the candle while it burns! These three dimensional ceramic items use jar candle venting technology under license from Candle Capper (TM) to make jar candles burn more evenly and cleanly. Fits 14 oz and 22 oz apothecary jar candles from Yankee Candle, Bridgewater Candle and many other fine candle companies. DOES NOT FIT BEAN ...
Product Details
Functional and decorative! A Candle Crown (TM) and topper in one. Stays on the candle while it burns! These three dimensional ceramic items use jar candle venting technology under license from Candle Capper (TM) to make jar candles burn more evenly and cleanly. Fits 14 oz and 22 oz apothecary jar candles from Yankee Candle, Bridgewater Candle and many other fine candle companies. DOES NOT FIT BEANPOD OR OLD VIRGINIA CANDLES.
SKU Number : shocancrowto
Brand :
Manufacturer Name :
Availability : instock
Primary Category : Gifts/Specialty
Secondary Category : Personalized
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