Sunday, July 25, 2010

Caldrea Dish Soap Liquid 16 Oz. - Ginger Pomelo

Caldrea Ginger Pomelo Dish Soap Liquid is rich, concentrated and fragrant - one of Caldrea's star performers. Caldrea added Soap Bark Extract, one of nature's best degreasers, to tackle nasty pots and pans. Just a squirt or two in a sink full of warm water cuts grease and keeps dishes clean and bright. Enjoy the clarifying fragrance. Rinses completely. Pomelo is the grandest member of the citrus f ...

Price : $ 7.99  $ 5.99        Buy Now        Read More

Product Details

Caldrea Ginger Pomelo Dish Soap Liquid is rich, concentrated and fragrant - one of Caldrea's star performers. Caldrea added Soap Bark Extract, one of nature's best degreasers, to tackle nasty pots and pans. Just a squirt or two in a sink full of warm water cuts grease and keeps dishes clean and bright. Enjoy the clarifying fragrance. Rinses completely. Pomelo is the grandest member of the citrus family and ripe with notes of grapefruit. This wild Tahitian fruit is beautifully mingled with sparkling notes of Asian Ginger and cool, fresh Basil essential oils to create an uplifting home cleaning tonic.

SKU Number : clddishsoapgp
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Availability : instock
Primary Category : Gifts/Specialty
Secondary Category : Personalized