With a richly layered scent reminiscent of days gone by, and suggestive of wonderful times to come, the Thymes Frasier Fir sets the mood for those special moments that make up our life stories. The aromatic snap of crisp Siberian Fir needles, heartening cedarwood and relaxing sandalwood is mountain fresh, yet warm and comforting...a fragrant tradition to share with all those who touch our lives. T ...
Product Details
With a richly layered scent reminiscent of days gone by, and suggestive of wonderful times to come, the Thymes Frasier Fir sets the mood for those special moments that make up our life stories. The aromatic snap of crisp Siberian Fir needles, heartening cedarwood and relaxing sandalwood is mountain fresh, yet warm and comforting...a fragrant tradition to share with all those who touch our lives. TartBurners.com carries The Thymes Eucalyptus, Lavender, Olive Leaf, Goldleaf, Kimono Rose, Frasier Fir and other fragrances in a variety of personal care and home fragrance products.
SKU Number : thhofrmi3ozf
Brand : TartBurners.com
Manufacturer Name : TartBurners.com
Availability : instock
Primary Category : Gifts/Specialty
Secondary Category : Personalized
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